Dit boek is een toevoeging van de Violin Star 3 student’s book, met voor elk stuk een pianopartij en een extra vioolpartij.
Glitter Ball
Bravo, Bravissimo [Trad.]
Festou Noz [Tomas Breton]
Eynhallow Sound
Glanbran [Trad. Welsh]
The Blue Danube [Johann Strauss II]
For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow [Trad.]
The Basket of Turf [Trad. Irish]
The Punk’s Delight [Trad. English]
Mr Kool
The Quaker’s Grace [Cesar Franck]
Mattachins [Trad. French]
Estampie [Trad. French]
Haley’s Comet
Morag’s Medicine
Uskudar [Trad. Turkish]
Bamboo in the Breeze [Trad. Chinese]
Oh Father! [Trad. Klezmer]
Venetian Gondola Song [Felix Mendelssohn]
Tsamikos [Trad. Greek]
Old Joe Clark [Trad. American]
Monsieur de Caix’s Fanfare [d’Hervelois]
Baba Mnumzane [Trad. South African]
Fiela [Trad. South African]