Line Transformers
For an optimum signal transmission from line units to a mixer or amplifier. By using a transformer coupling, interferences due to matching problems, e.g. hum loops, are prevented to a large extent. Input and output are DC separated.
All inputs and outputs can be used via 6.3mm jacks and XLR jacks, balanced as well as unbalanced.
Balanced and unbalanced inputs and outputs
Output impedance can be switched from 1:1/600Ω to 2:1/150Ω
Phase can be switched from 0° to 180°
Groundlift switch
Wideband balancing transformer
Robust metal housing
Technical Facts Transformers:
Frequency range 20-25,000Hz
Transformation ratio 1:1/2:1
Input impedance 600Ω
Output impedance 600Ω/150Ω
Optimum source imped. 50-600Ω
Optimum load imped. ≥ 2kΩ
Max. input voltage (1% THD/40Hz) 5V
Dimensions 120x44x90mm
Weight 0.6kg
Inputs 1 x 6.3mm jack, bal. 1 x XLR, bal.
Outputs 1 x 6.3mm jack, bal. 1 x XLR, bal.